IT Staff Augmentation

At some point or the other during the Project life cycle there may arise a situation where you require a short term technical specialists for a quick turnaround, we can provide IT Consultants on Hourly basis .Our Consultants are the solution when you have a specific project that needs to be completed within a difficult timeframe and on budget.

Contract - to - Hire

IntelliSTRONG's Contract-to-Hire service is the perfect solution for both you and the candidate. Where you have the opportunity to review the candidate's skill level against real world situations and the candidate can weigh in his goals. If you strike a chord, it will bring out the best fit and value to your organization.

Full Time Placement

Based on company's objective for the future, some projects need to be staffed with full-time employees. At IntelliSTRONG our Account Managers will work directly with candidates and clients to identify the best candidate for the position.

Our recruiters have Information Technology and Business experience making them capable of screening and qualifying technical professionals, understanding your needs and providing the perfect candidate.

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